Board of Management
The Board of Management is responsible for the overall running of the school on behalf of the Patron. The Board of Management is appointed for a period of four years and during that period it ensures that each child is provided with an appropriate education. With the exception of the Principal teacher all members of the Board of Management are volunteers who are nominated by various stake-holding groups within the school community. The Patron has two nominees, the Parents have two nominees (one male and one female), the local community has two nominees and the Principal and one other teacher are nominated by the school staff.
At Our Lady's G.N.S. we have an active and dedicated Board of Management. The board meets every four to six weeks to discuss a wide range of issues relating to school life. The Board of Management members are:
Liz Murray - Chairperson
Fr. Liam Belton - Patron's nominee
Ceara Belviso - Parents' nominee
Pádraig Cournane - Parents' nominee
Róisín Ryan - Teachers' nominee
Robbie Murphy - Principal
Gillian Skehill - Community nominee
Paul O'Reilly - Community nominee
Board of Management Meeting Wednesday 13th December 2023
Agreed Report:
- Board met at Wednesday 13th December
- Board discussed community nominees
Board of Management Meeting Wednesday 23rd January 2024
Agreed Report:
- The board met on Wednesday 23rd January 2024.
- The principal updated the board on the current class allocation, school attendance and staffing.
- The principal updated the board on professional development and specific projects currently underway in the school.
- The principal updated the board on the current SSE (School Self evaluation) targets along with the after school clubs available to the pupils.
- The board wishes to thank the staff volunteering for the Rainbows programme.
- The board enjoyed a brief overview of the school and the wide range of activities available to the pupils.
- The board was thankful for the successful application of the STEM Grant.
Board of Management Meeting Wednesday 19th March 2024
Agreed Report:
The board met on Tuesday 19th March
The board discussed a number of ongoing school initiatives.
The board noted that the school finances are in good order.
The board reviewed the Critical Incident Policy.
All board members have taken on specific roles in the running of the school.
The board discussed “Safer Routes to School” initiative
Next meeting May 21st 2024
Board of Management Meeting Tuesday 28th May
Agreed Report:
The board thanked staff members who are leaving for their service to the school
The treasurer reported on school finances
The board ratified the student council and data protection policies
Reviewed ongoing events, school maintenance and correspondence
The board thanked the parish team for their work on the sacraments this year
Reviewed school running costs
The board noted the annual average attendance is 93.2%
The abridged accounts are available according to the FFSU guidelines
The board of management also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of confidentiality are not included in this report. Next Board Meeting 13th of June
Board of Management Meeting 13th June 2024
Agreed Report:
Board discussed the Action Plan for anti bullying 2024/2025 and noted that all families received it in the post.
The board noted continuous CPD in the school.
Maintenance plan for school building agreed.
The board approved SNA appointments for upcoming year 2024/2025
Board reviewed SSE 2024
Board reviewed post holders reports and thanked post holders for their work throughout the year.
Board noted positive attendance 93.2% and appreciated all efforts made to maintain and improve attendance.
The board of management also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of confidentiality are not included in this report. Next Board Meeting 24th September.
Board of Management Meeting 24th September 2024
Agreed Report:
● The Board had its annual review of policies and reviewed, discussed and made
improvements where identified, to each of the policies.
● The board agreed to the open evening Monday 14th October 7p.m.
● The board discussed car park safety and concerns that had been raised.
● The board approved the parents association mobile phone initiative.
● The board of management also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of
confidentiality are not included in this report.
Next Meeting: Next meeting November 19th 7 pm
BoM Agreed Report 19/11/24:
● Board continued its review of policies and reviewed, discussed and made improvements
where identified, to each of the policies.
● Robbie Murphy liaised with parents and boys school about monitoring the carpark until
the safe routes programme are implemented.
● The board discussed the recent successful open evening and thanked all staff members,
families and students for their attendance.
● The board noted the establishment of the Boys/Girls committee as a positive step in
mixing students where possible.
● The board of management also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of
confidentiality are not included in this report.
Next Meeting: Next meeting- 24th February 7 pm
Board of Management Agreed Report -24th February 2025:
● Board thanked staff for their hard work during the Nativity.
● Board recognised the positive start of the new early opening hours and thanked Mr.
Murphy, Ms. McCarthy and the SNAs for their support with this.
● Board noted the successful installation of new solar panels, installed over Midterm.
● Board noted that the staff continue to engage in CPD throughout the year.
● Board discussed the anti-bullying and child protection oversight reports.
● The board of management also considered some routine matters, which for reasons of
confidentiality are not included in this report.
Next Meeting: Next meeting- 24th March 7 pm